The subcontinent got it's first joint Nobel Peace winners at a time when mortars and bullets are flying across the borders. While Ms Malala Yousafzai was definitely the more well known personality,I, like several others, had not heard of Kailash Satyarthi till the news broke.It probably also is a reflection of the media today which spends an inordinate amount of energy on trivia and rantings of the political class and what it thinks is 'news'. A couple of weeks back TOI carried an article on Indo-China diplomatic relations. Accompanying the article was a poster of the Deepika Padukone starrer Chandni Chowk to China. Erm. I never got around to reading it. On a lighter note, I remember spotting this at one of the Army camps on the road somewhere in Ladakh. Political diplomacy, anyone?
India's Mangalyaan Mars Orbiter Spacecraft created a remarkable feat in it's own right, proof that a trip to Mars doesn't have to break the bank. At $72 million, MOM costs just a fraction of NASA's $670 million Maven, and $2 billion Curiosity Rover. The leading US daily,
NY times,carried an editorial cartoon called"India's budget mission to Mars" , which it later apologised for. Whether meant to be funny or ironic, the racial stereotyping was more than apparent.
The festival season just went by , belated wishes for Bijoya and Eid. Thankfully, the past couple of festive days in Bangalore have been immune to the havoc that the rains have been creating in the city, making driving around an adventure in itself. And seems nothing short of good fortune to have been spared from Hudhud (someone please explain the logic of cyclone nomenclature, apparently this one is named after a bird).Hopefully, Diwali would be a peaceful one, wishes for a safe and happy Diwali!
India's Mangalyaan Mars Orbiter Spacecraft created a remarkable feat in it's own right, proof that a trip to Mars doesn't have to break the bank. At $72 million, MOM costs just a fraction of NASA's $670 million Maven, and $2 billion Curiosity Rover. The leading US daily,

The festival season just went by , belated wishes for Bijoya and Eid. Thankfully, the past couple of festive days in Bangalore have been immune to the havoc that the rains have been creating in the city, making driving around an adventure in itself. And seems nothing short of good fortune to have been spared from Hudhud (someone please explain the logic of cyclone nomenclature, apparently this one is named after a bird).Hopefully, Diwali would be a peaceful one, wishes for a safe and happy Diwali!
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